D-Pad Doc is now on Mastodon and BlueSky!

Hey there, long time no post again. With the advent of evil rich dudes and mega corps destroying traditional social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, I have decided to open up accounts on Mastodon and BlueSky.

I’m not too active on social media apart from talking to several old friends I’ve met IRL and online, but I made these just in case if anyone wants to contact me on a site that is currently not being run to the ground by evil conglomerates.

My BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/dpaddoc.bsky.social
My Mastodon: https://mstdn.party/@DPadDoc
My Mastodon (Alternate): https://mastodon.social/@DPadDoc

I will also update my social media page shortly after I publish this post. My legacy Twitter and Facebook aren’t going anywhere unless something seriously bad and asinine happens with the corpos.